For fastest shipping and the most economical price, our stock sizes are the way to go. But if our stock sizes won't fit your situation, use this page to order exactly the sizes you need. Custom sizes cost more per square foot than our stock size panels, but note that 48x48" (4 by 4 feet) and 48x96" (4 by 8 feet) sizes have special discounted custom size prices. Because of this a 48x96" panel will cost less than a 48x95" panel, for example.
Specs and Features
Follow the guides on the ATS Acoustics Custom-Size Acoustic Panel Installation page to determine the appropriate number and placement of installation hardware mounting points for your custom-size ATS Acoustic panels.
For hardened-edge panels, fire rating is not available with burlap fabrics. If you need fire rated panels, please choose Guilford of Maine fabric.
Please note, custom size items are non-refundable after we have started production on your order.
Click here if you want to see larger color images.
Panels in all color choices are ASTM E84 Class A fire rated.
To go beyond the fabrics we stock, you have the option to select Customer-Supplied fabric. With millions of style choices, you can select the perfect print and texture from any fabric supplier. Your chosen fabric may be subject to approval for suitability to our manufacturing process. Please contact one of our sales reps at 815-364-9579 for additional details.
Length - Inches*
Thanks for the great acoustical panels! They worked wonders during our Madonna themed ride! - Kim Bell, TX More reviews and photos...