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Atqasuk, pronounced "at ka sook", is a small town of about 250 residents isolated in one of the northern-most sections of Alaska.

The main form of transportation in and out of this village is by small aircraft to the town of Barrow, several miles north. Even this is irregular and unpredictable due to weather.

ATS Acoustics was contacted by the town of Atqasuk to help solve an acoustics issue in their newly constructed youth room, which is part of their community center.

Shipping 24x24x2 panels in small boxes was the most cost effective way to send them so that they could easily be loaded into the small planes.

Final installation photo, just before a Halloween party.

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Customer Comments

Mike McColl’s voiceover studio, finished with ATS Acoustics microsuede panels and bass traps. It sounds amazing!
- George , CA
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